Friday, October 30, 2009


Drip irrigation field from far away.
Pond where we get water for the drip irrigation field.

Pond where we get water for the drip irrigation field.

Drip irrigation field after the land was cleared and fence put up.

Drip irrigation field with the tanks and nursury.

Land cleared for the field.

Nursury, towers, and tanks.


Drip irrigation field.

Computer Lab we are trying to get funding to build...

Drip Irrigation Field we are building...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Etosha National Park 4 - Videos

View of the watering hole at our campsite at sunset.

Herd of zebras crossing the road.

Watering hole with hundreds of animals.

Springbok on the side of the road.

Two elephnts at the watering hole at our campsite.

One of the first elephants we saw at the watering hole at our campsite.

The vast Etosha Pan for which the park is named. It is very dry and salty.

Another herd of zebras crossing the road.

Two springbok fighting at a watering hole.

Kudu in the bush.

There was a forest fire burning in the distance so we were hurrying back to the camp site. This is yet another herd of zebras we saw on the way.