Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Camping - 12.21.08

More pictures from the camping trip:

I climbed up on top of the cliff to watch the sunset while greg took pictures of it. It was amazing. It ranks up there with half dome for most majestic expeirences in my life.

The fire pit we built against the side of the cliff for our campsite.

My host brother and I.

Another picture of the sunset on our camping trip.

The otherside of the sky at sunset on the camping trip.

Panarama of the sunset.

Getting ready to watch the sunset.

Building the campsite.

Another volunteer atop the mountain.

The baboons that followed us up the mountain. There were about a hundred of them.

A rainstorm we were thankful didnt hit.

Me on top of the mountain. It was very windy.

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